Parent Help Days

Thursday, Aug. 27, 5:00-8:00 and Saturday, Aug. 29, 9:00-12:00

It’s time to prepare our outdoor classroom before school starts!  At Kinderhaus, we know that “many hands make light work,” and so we invite any parents or community members to our voluntary Help Days this week.  In addition to preparing the outdoor space (think: weeding, spreading mulch, moving furniture, etc.), we have some inside work to be done as well, including sealing our new outdoor picnic table and indoor shelf.  It’s not always the most glamorous work, but it’s usually a pretty fun time working alongside others, talking, and building relationships in our community  :-)

Please wear clothes that can get dirty and bring your own gardening gloves if you have them.

We hope to see some of you there!  The Kinderhaus staff and the children appreciate it!



