Welcome to Kinderhaus!

Kinderhaus and students examining ground after rolling log away.

Kinderhaus is a Waldorf-inspired, outdoor preschool and kindergarten for 3-5 year olds in Decorah, Iowa, that provides a warm and nurturing environment for young children in our community to learn.

Kinderhaus strives to develop the whole child: emotionally, socially, artistically, and cognitively.  Our goal is simple: to create an oasis in which children find the security and opportunity to develop into creative, imaginative, cooperative, self-motivated learners for the future.

We’re glad you’re here, and hope this site helps you get a feel for our school.  Please feel free to send us a note or give a call with any questions.

  • Kinderfolk On Stage – Featuring Lissie!

    Kinderhaus Preschool will soon be having our annual fundraiser, Kinderfolk On Stage, an evening of performances from community members, featuring the amazingly talented Lissie! We are looking forward to sharing an evening of great music, great drinks, great people, and the opportunity to support Kinderhaus, Decorah’s Outdoor-based and Waldorf Inspired Preschool. Details below. Date: Friday,…

  • Kinderfolk On Stage!

    After a 2-year hiatus, Kinderfolk On Stage is BACK! This is a night of terrific live music (featuring Lissie!). It’s also an opportunity to celebrate and support the important work of Kinderhaus. The fun kicks off at 6:30 at Pulpit Rock Brewery. Can’t wait to see you there!

  • Registration Opening Monday, February 14th!

    Registration for Kinderhaus 2022-2023 will be opening Monday February 14th! You can find our enrollment forms here early that morning. Forms and enrollment fees will be accepted in the order they are received. Families will be informed of their confirmed spot or wait list status before April 1st. Please read our Enrollment Policy for more…

  • Kindercamp is full!

    Registration for Kindercamp is now closed. If you would like to be added to the waitlist for any of the weeks, please email info@kinderhausdecorah.com. Happy Summer!

  • Kinderhaus is hiring!

    Lead Teacher Are you a teacher that loves being creative with children and exploring nature? Kinderhaus, a Waldorf-inspired, outdoor preschool located in beautiful Decorah, Iowa, is hiring a Lead Teacher starting August 2021. Iowa teaching license required. Please see job description under employment on our website and send a cover letter and resume to info@kinderhausdecorah.com…

  • Kinderhaus Summer Camp Registration is now open!

    Summer Camp 2021 Play in the woods, make fairy homes, study insects, bake mud pies, and MORE! Join Kinderhaus for a week of playing, exploring, and growing. This year we will have three weeks of camp fun available: July 26-30, August 2-6, August 9-13 For children ages 4-9 Cost of camp is $100/week. Registration will…

  • Enrollment Full for 2021-2022

    As we finish up this school year, we are excited to be looking ahead to the next! Enrollment for the 2021-2022 school year is now full and we are building a wait list. If you wish to join that, feel free to fill out an application and send it our way for us to keep…

  • Enrollment for 2021-2022 Opening February 1st

    Kinderhaus will begin accepting applications this Monday, February, 1st! Enrollment Forms 2021-2022 Completed applications and application fee of $50 (check, cash, or paypal on our website under charitable giving) can be returned to Kinderhaus in our drop box at the parking lot entrance, scanned and emailed to info@kinderhausdecorah.com or mailed to: Kinderhaus PO Box 114,…

  • Check out our larger indoor classroom!

    Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is kind enough to let us use the Fellowship Hall for our classroom until it is safe for them to gather for worship again. Here are some pictures of our new and and much larger classroom that allows us to spread out and be more active on these cold days! Thank…

  • Kinderhaus would like to show our support for the Black Community.

    Dear Kinderhaus Community, Like many others, all of us at Kinderhaus were devastated by the murder of George Floyd and the many other People of Color that have lost their lives to police brutality.  We have empathy for the Communities of Color that have suffered many years of discrimination and injustice in America.  As I…